Easy Skin – 1oz jar


i have basil cell carcinoma, easy skin is the only product i have found that relieves the sores. in many places it has cleared up completely! i told my dr. about this he denied that it worked. i am living proof it does. i think he is afraid it will make my visits fewer, and it does! havent been back for a freeze job in 2 years!!!! and your bullet lube is great stuff too,very little leading with rifle lead bullet velocity, if any it comed out with brass brush. thank you, keep up the good work!!! oh yes my wife says it should smell better.
Date Added: 03/20/2020 by raymond k.


Liquid Xlox Update!

We finally recieved our 2 barrels of Liquid Xlox. We are mixing and bottling and will have orders shipped in a couple of days.

There was about a 50% price increase since the last time we ordered.
I am sorry about the price increase. We are trying to keep the price as reasonable as we can
We are processing and shipping orders everyday except Sunday.
We are currently getting a large volume of orders, so shipping may be delayed a day or two.
If you have any questions or run into any problems with the web store, please give us a call at

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