BAC 1x4" Hollow sticks in bags
Most casters and shooters will be more than happy with Glenn's BAC. This stuff works well in lubersizers without a heater. On a warm midwestern summer day, a length range session proved the worth of this lube. We were shooting 200 grain bullets from a T/C Contender in excess of 200 FPS from our particular combination. This bullet lube left a clean barrel and the telltale sign of good lube and lube-to-bullet balance with a great lube star at the muzzle. Some will find this to be a bit soft for their tastes, but I find most bullet lubes are too hard to be of any worth. Glen has one of the greatest products right here, the BAC. If you are concerned about it's working temp, don't be unless you have others depending on your product via shipping in a hot climate. I'd suggest the Carmabua Red for that application. For myself, the BAC is the best stuff around. It is my preferred bullet lube for my personal use. Thanks again to Glenn and his family for a great product.
Date Added: 02/07/2021 by Todd C.
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