BAC 1x4" Hollow sticks in Tubes


This is a superb lube for all handgun applications. It is easy to use and doesn't require a heater in Lyman, RCBS or Saeco style lubers. I have used it in the T/C Contender with cast bullets at over 2100 fps in a 10" barrel. With a known accurate load and a sustained shooting afternoon, the accuracy remained consistent throughout.
Date Added: 04/05/2020 by Todd C.


Liquid Xlox Update!

We finally recieved our 2 barrels of Liquid Xlox. We are mixing and bottling and will have orders shipped in a couple of days.

There was about a 50% price increase since the last time we ordered.
I am sorry about the price increase. We are trying to keep the price as reasonable as we can
We are processing and shipping orders everyday except Sunday.
We are currently getting a large volume of orders, so shipping may be delayed a day or two.
If you have any questions or run into any problems with the web store, please give us a call at

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